Coordinator for English-Medium studies
- Joanna Szymańska, MA
Student Affairs Office
- WUT Main Building, room 419, (+48 22) 234 59 83
Registration for language courses in the summer semester 2024/2025
English-medium students at WUT are obliged to pass the C1 Academic exam and complete 180 hours of languages.
Registration for languages is via USOSweb. Students register by themselves.
Please note that
In a given semester, the student may register for one 60h language course (classes twice a week) or two 30h language courses (each course once a week).
Failure to comply with the above registration rule will mean striking off the list in extra language courses.
Registration for:
Thematic language courses after the C1 Academic exam
Registration dates: from 17.02.2025 (7:30) to 26.02.2025
You can find the offer on the website Offer of courses.
Registration via USOSweb.
Courses of: German, Russian, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean
Please note that in these courses, the language of instruction of other languages is Polish.
Registration dates: from 17.02.2025 (7:30) to 26.02.2025
Registration via USOSweb.
You can find the offer on the website Offer of courses.
Placement tests in languages other than English (to check the level of the language and help choose the right group from the FLC offer):
Courses of Polish (Courses for students whose native language is not Polish)
Registration dates: from 17.02.2025 (7:30) to 26.02.2025
Registration via USOSweb.
You can find more info on the website Classes of Polish.
Other Languages in English (Courses for students whose native tongue is not Polish)
In the summer semester 2024/2025 students of English language studies may enroll for:
- German in English class M1/A1 – 30 hrs, Thursday 12:15-13:45
- Spanish in English class, M1/A1 – 30 hrs, Tuesday 8:30-10:00
Courses designated for students who already passed C1 Academic exam and to whom Polish is not their native tongue.
Student number is obligatory for enrolment.
Registration for classes until February, 28th via e-mail to:
If you have one of the certificates listed on the website Exemption from course attendance and C1 Academic Exam you can be exempt from the C1 English course and C1 Academic exam, but you still have to complete 180 hours of languages. To be exempt, send your certificate to your faculty coordinator:
Students who don’t have any certificate
Before you pass the C1 Academic exam, you will be registered automatically in USOS for mandatory C1 Academic English classes until you have completed the full C1 Academic preparation programme.
Students of the Faculty of Architecture Bachelor’s Degree (IDEAS program)
Students of the Faculty of Architecture Bachelor’s Degree (IDEAS program) start language classes in the 1st semester.
POLISH STUDENTS – mandatory Academic English classes (30h) + any other foreign language (30h)
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – mandatory Academic English classes (30h) + Polish (30h)
Students of the Faculty of Architecture Master’s degree ASK program
Students must complete 30h of foreign languages (English B2+ level and above or Other Foreign Language Courses at all levels) during the first two semesters of their studies.
Students of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering
POLISH STUDENTS – start language classes in the 3rd semester
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – students who have already passed the C1 Academic exam or can be exempt from it may start a 30h course of Polish in the 1st semester
Students of the Faculty of Building Services Hydro and Environmental Engineering
POLISH STUDENTS – start language classes in the 3rd semester
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – students who have already passed the C1 Academic exam or can be exempt from it may start a 30h course of Polish in the 1st semester
Students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
POLISH STUDENTS – start language classes in the 3rd semester
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – students who have already passed the C1 Academic exam or can be exempt from it may start a 30h course of Polish in the 1st semester
Students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering start language classes in the 3rd semester.
POLISH STUDENTS – 60h of mandatory Academic English classes or any other foreign language
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – 60h of mandatory Academic English classes or any other foreign language
Students of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology
Students of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology start language classes in the 1st semester.
POLISH STUDENTS – mandatory English (ELAN 1) class (30h)
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – mandatory English (ELAN 1) class (30h)
Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
POLISH STUDENTS – start language classes in the 2nd semester
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – students who have already passed the C1 Academic exam or can be exempt from it may start a 30h course of Polish in the 1st semester
Students of the Faculty of Mechatronics
POLISH STUDENTS – start language classes in the 3rd semester
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – students who have already passed the C1 Academic exam or can be exempt from it may start a 30h course of Polish in the 1st semester
Students of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
POLISH STUDENTS – start language classes in the 2nd semester
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – a course of Polish A1 (30h)
Students of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering (AEROSPACE)
POLISH STUDENTS – 60h of mandatory Academic English classes or any other foreign language
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – 60h of mandatory Academic English classes or any other foreign language
Note that
Students of EMI Master’s programmes do not have language courses in their study programme. To attend language classes they need to have a permission from their faculty, signed by the Dean or pay for courses themselves (the cost to be learnt at the FLC office).
Please read the information on the website Studies in English.