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Author: SJO PW

I am an English-medium student at WUT. Do I have to take a course of English?
Yes, you are obliged to do the C1 Academic English course unless you have one of the certificates listed on the website Exemption from course attendance and C1 Academic Exam.
Your certificate does not, however, exempt you from doing 180 hours of other language courses.
Where can I find information on foreign language obligations for English-medium students?
Please read the information on https://www.sjo.pw.edu.pl/studies-in-english/ very carefully.If you still need help, please contact the English-medium coordinator for languages at your faculty: -
I have a C1 certificate, do I need to attend English C1 language classes?
No, the certificate exempts you from the C1 Academic course and C1 Academic exam. However, it does not exempt you from 180 hours of other languages.
ATTENTION EiTI students: ELAN1, ELAN2, EACAW and ECULT classes are obligatory. If you have a certificate, you don’t have to take the C1 Academic exam, but still have to do these courses.
I do not have a C1 certificate and want to start the C1 Academic course. Do I have to register?
No, you will be registered automatically on USOS, but you may have to do the Placement Test beforehand, depending on your faculty. You will be notified as to the Placement Test by your faculty’s language coordinator.
Where can I take the Placement Test?
The Placement Test is available on PW Moodle platform – please seek information from your faculty coordinator for English-medium students: https://www.sjo.pw.edu.pl/studies-in-english/staff/coordinators/.
ATTENTION ARCH students: ARCH students take the test on the WAPW Moodle Platform, see: https://www.sjo.pw.edu.pl/studies-in-english/information-for-students/the-faculty-of-architecture/ for details.
What is the link to the LeOn platform?
How do I access the LeOn platform?
Please use the same login and password as for USOS. -
Where do I get the login and password for the USOS system?
Please contact the Dean’s Office about it. -
I have a C1 certificate in English and would like to be exempted from the C1 English course. What do I do?
Please send a scan of your certificate, plus your student ID number, faculty and semester to Joanna.szymanska@pw.edu.pl.
Please mind that only the certificates listed here: https://www.sjo.pw.edu.pl/studies-in-english/c1-academic-exam/exemption-from-course-attendance-and-c1-academic-exam/ shall be accepted.
How do I register for a class in USOS?
If you are starting your languages this semester and do not have a C1 certificate or have not registered it with Joanna.szymanska@pw.edu.pl, then your registration for C1 Academic English course will be done automatically, but you may have to do the Placement Test, depending on the faculty.
I passed the C1 Academic exam at WUT. Do I have to do any language courses?
Most likely yes, as you still have an allotment of language hours (180 hours minus the hours you spent doing the C1 Academic English course). -
I passed the C1 Academic exam at WUT and want to continue other language courses. Where do I look to find what is available?
Please check the language courses on offer onThe updated language courses on offer are to be found on the above website two weeks before the registration date. -
I passed the C1 Academic exam at WUT and want to continue other language courses. How do I register?
Registration opens on USOS about two weeks before the beginning of the semester. You need to register yourself. -
I passed the written C1 Academic exam at WUT, but could not take the speaking part. Can I start other languages?
Unfortunately not, you need to wait until you have passed the speaking part of the C1 Academic exam. -
When can I take the C1 Academic exam?
The C1 Exam in Academic English is available to all WUT students and it is held three times each academic year: at the beginning of the winter and summer examination sessions, and also in September, on the same day as the university B2 exam. -
How can I file a complaint?
You can send an email to the Foreign Language Centre Director: lucyna.skwarko@pw.edu.pl using a sample document that you can find on the website Documents.
I have done the C1 Academic English course but have not taken/passed the C1 Academic exam. What should I do?
You should continue a C1 Academic course at you faculty. If your faculty does not offer a continuation, please contact the coordinator for English-medium studies, Joanna.szymanska@pw.edu.pl, to look for a possible course.
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